Marine Safety
GOST GMM-IP67-PULL25 - Phantom pull sensor with 25' cable
$87 -
GOST GMM-IP67-RLY-Z1 - Two-way wireless PGM/Zone
$81 -
GOST GMM-IP67-TEMPSENSOR - Gost wireless temperature sensor
$84 -
GOST GMM-MS2 - Dual-optical wireless digital motion sensor
$97 -
GOST GMM-MSWR - Water-resistant wireless motion detector
$89 -
GOST GMM-RLY-Z1 - 5 amp two-way wireless relay
$91 -
GOST GMM-SRN-STR - Wireless siren with strobe battery powered
$98 -
GOST GNT-1-0-30-INS-IDP - GOST Nav-Tracker 1.0 insurance package
$148 -
GOST GNT-1-0-ELITE - Sat/GPS NT 1.0 Elite tracking device
$129 -
GOST GNT-30FT-CABLE - NAV-Tracker cable 30'
$78 -
GOST GNT-60FT-CABLE - NAV-Tracker cable 60'
$99 -
GOST GNT-CONNECTOR-KIT - Nav-Tracker connector kit for cable